Thursday, July 30, 2009

Day 53, Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA

At last we have arrived in the State of Arizona, another a state located in the southwestern region of the United States.

The capital and largest city is Phoenix. Arizona is noted for its desert climate, exceptionally hot summers, and mild winters, but the high country in the north features pine forests and mountain ranges with cooler weather than the lower deserts, of course the GRAND CANYON!!

Ok, Nopi, since you are afraid of heights I think it will be best for you to take the Coconino Canyon Train. It is a 90-minute ride that originates in Grand Canyon National Park at the old Grand Canyon Depot and travels 24 miles through the canyon landscapes.
The train is made up of 1923 Pullman cars and runs on tracks built in the it should be rather enjoyable.....

The rest of us are going by Helicopter to view the North & South Rims....let's go.......

...........I simply cannot find the words to describe the vision that is the Grand Canyon....

We were absolutely speechless, totally in awe of this magnificent natural wonder.

Stretching east to west, like a scar across northern Arizona, this UNESCO World Heritage Site reads like a diary of the life of Earth itself,........

like a treasure waiting to be discovered and,......

like a treasure, the series of canyons are filled with jewels at every turn: around every corner another unforgettable panoramic view,

and Mother Nature breathing fresh air right into your soul.

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