Monday, August 24, 2009

day 78,Azerbaijan

We are now going to Baku in Azerbaijan to meet our friend Aysel.

She has planned a trip for us to the village of Dashlig Yanar which is about 3 hours north of Baku.
Okay Aysel....let's go........

We are going to the historic site of Chirag Gala, a ruined ancient fortress overlooking the Caspian coastal plains, on the top of a mountain, in the Guba Forest.

Because of the large rocks and rough road the Chirag Gala is almost impossible to reach with any vehicle so that is why we are going to Dashlig Yanar. We are going to hike from there's only 6km, so don't be lazy Ramzi....let's go.

As we walk along, Aysel shared some information about the fort with us.
Built in the 5th century by the Sassanids, at an altitude of 1232 metres above sea level, the castle was used up through the 18th century as part of the southern defenses of the khanate of Guba.

It is composed of High Jurassic and Campanian limestones, and is considered an Azerbaijan architectural monument of the Middle Ages.

Chirag is one of the few 'European' looking castles in Azerbaijan, although large parts of it have collapsed during the last 200 years.
This fortress, though in desperate need of repair, is one of the most impressive ancient towers of the region.

Wow, the view from up here is amazing.
Aysel said that the main tower was sort of a communication or watch tower. A huge fire was built to warn people if any foreigners were on the horizon that's why this fortress is called "Chirag-gala" (Lantern)!

Thanks Aysel, this was fun....and now we must leave you for Armenia.

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