Saturday, August 8, 2009

Day 62, Minsk, Belarus

Feroz is very upset with me because he wants to see some really modern buildings instead of all these UNESCO sites.....
ok, Feroz, how about the National Library of Belarus, in a 72-metre (236 feet) high building in Minsk, Belarus??

Oh, now Feroz wants to be one of the 2 220 people who visit this library daily.......well let me warn you that the building has 22 floors, can seat about 2,000 readers and features a 500-seat conference hall!!

What an interesting shape!

Its main architectural component has the shape of a rhombicuboctahedron.

The National Library of Belarus is the main information and cultural centre of the country.
Its depository collections include 8 million items of different kinds of media.

In 1993 the National Library of Belarus started to create its own electronic information resources. It has generated a collection of bibliographic, factual graphic, full-text, graphic, sound and language databases that comprise more than 2 million records.The repertoire of databases is quite wide: humanities, social sciences, history, art and culture of Belarus.

The library users also have access to databases of other libraries and academic institutions, including foreign ones. The library service is in great demand. More than 90 thousand citizens of
Belarus are library users, who annually request 3.5 million documents.

Feroz has decided that its simply too big for him to tour in the limited we are now going to a really lovely place in the Ukraine......lets see if you can guess where????

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