Friday, July 24, 2009

Day 47, Independence Hall, Pennsylvania

Oh, our friend Bonnie Jeanne has insisted that we visit Independence Hall in Philadelphia.

It was within its walls that the Declaration of Independence was adopted.

The Assembly of the Commonwealth (colony) of Pennsylvania had its Speaker, Andrew Hamilton, design the building for its state house.
Once the grandest public building in the British North American colonies, Independence Hall today is the international symbol of the radical documents that originated there and which have influenced the constitutions of many democratic nations throughout the world.

The building has undergone many restorations, notably by Greek revival architect John Haviland in 1830, and by a committee from the National Park Service, in 1950, returning it to its 1776 appearance.

It was here that the Constitution of the United States was debated, drafted and signed. That document is the oldest federal constitution in existence and was framed by a convention of delegates from 12 of the original 13 colonies. Rhode Island did not send a delegate. George Washington presided over the debate which ran from May to September 1787. The draft comprising a preamble and seven Articles, was submitted to all thirteen states and was to take effect when ratified by nine states.
On June 21, 1788, New Hampshire, the ninth state, approved it and it became effective in March 1789.

Thanks Bonnie Jeanne, you were was an amazing every estimate, this was birthplace of the United States....oops, I almost forgot to mention that it is a UNESCO world heritage site.

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